Earn money as an affiliate

Become an Affiliate and earn recurring income by inviting your friends.
Now, as an exclusive affiliate, you can earn passive income over and over again when you invite new members to enjoy our products.
Click on the button below and register as an affiliate.


Here’s how you get recurring commission for every friend you help get started!

Sign up as a free affiliate
Share and post your affiliate link to other people
People click on your link and visit our website
People become members and buy their own products from us
You get your monthly commission!
How to make money as an affiliate

Now, as an exclusive affiliate, you can earn passive recurring income every month when you invite new people to become members. Click on the tabs for more information.

Do I get paid if I help a new member get started?

We love to reward you!

When you, with your personal experiences with us at Capital Club, help new people to also become members, we love to reward you with passive recurring income.

We love being able to help you earn long-term passive recurring income in this simple and unique way too.


For us, there’s nothing better than you speaking highly of Capital Club, as you already have a unique experience with us. We therefore think it’s much, much more fun and fair to give you the marketing and advertising money (commission) when you help new people also set up income opportunities with us at Capital Club.

In this way, we not only get the opportunity to refine and elevate you and your life as a member. We also get the opportunity to give you a passive recurring income as an Affiliate on something that you recommend just because you like and use it yourself.

Do you want to share your opportunity as an Affiliate with us, do you want to see what unique opportunities it gives you?

Sign up as a free Affiliate by clicking the button on this page.

Remember, when everyone helps, EVERYONE ALWAYS gets more!

It’s what we call a Win-Win-Win situation.

A situation where together we create a global opportunity for like-minded people who want to live an extraordinary life!

Do you have a compensation plan?

Yes, you can,
As an Affiliate, when you invite your friends and they sign up as a member with your own personalized Affiliate link,

you get paid on all sales on all purchases of products and services such as startup fees and membership fees etc.

You get paid on all sales of all purchases of these products and services over and over again every month as long as the person is a member and pays for our products and services.

You get 30% on all purchases every month.
We pay your commission to you in the second week of each month. Your paid commission is based on all purchases made in the previous month.

You will find your personalized Affiliate link in your Affiliate Back Office once you have registered as an Affiliate.

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